Content Delivery Network
With the help of a CDN service you can transfer media for your website to different CDN PoPs (Point of Presence) to lower the response time and shorten the loadtime for the media on your website. By letting the visitors load the media from a PoP closer to them the response will shorten dramatically, which then leads to a better web-experience and increased conversion rate. This is why we at beebyte have PoPs in every corner of the world that our customers can use!
Price per continent
Usage of the CDN service is billed monthly in arrears as part of our Scale Cloud service. The price is based per Gigabyte sent and is currently set against a dollar rate of 1 USD = 0.98 €. The price may change if the exchange rate changes. All prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices differ slightly by region:
Want to add a CDN?
We’ll help you pick out the one that suits your needs and answer any questions you might have. Contact us today and we’ll help you: